
The path through separation and divorce is tough enough, you do not need to do it alone. Join the community of women navigating divorce, or rebuilding their lives post-divorce.


Our Communities

We have two Facebook communities you can join. You are welcome to join one or both. These groups are about you, the members of the community sharing your stories, and experiences, asking for help, and sharing your wins. After all one of the best ways to learn is from those who have stood in your shoes before.

How To Navigate the Separation & Divorce Process

This group is focused on discussions, support, and tips for those currently navigating the divorce process.

  • What you need to know to navigate your separation and divorce
  • Financial tips to help you with key questions as you negotiate your financial separation.
  • Overcoming grief and overwhelm.
  • Dealing with the ex, and supporting children.

Join Today

Thrive After Divorce, Your Next Chapter

This group focuses on discussion and tips to keep you focused on YOUR goals, your aspirations and build financial confidence.

  • Ways to be more financially savvy
  • Dating experiences and advice
  • Setting your boundaries in new relationships
  • Love yourself first and enjoy the single life
  • Co-parenting with a child-centered focus

Join Today


What can I share with the community?

The community members ask questions, offer support, and share milestones and wins. As long as it is in line with community rules there is no limit.

Can I post anonymously? 

Both communities are closed groups, and only members can see the content. We as administrators monitor closely and complete vetting on all member inquiries to ensure they are genuine. 

We of course however understand that sometimes you may have a sensitive question or topic to raise, and we do allow this to be done anonymously to protect a member's privacy if required.

What are the community rules?

Respect everyone's privacy

Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What's shared in the group should stay in the group.

Be kind and courteous

We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.

This community is not a venting platform

We all need to be aware of the impact we are having on the other women in this group. I ask when you are posting, you ask just one question "Will this help other women in the community?"

No Judgement or Hate

This community is about being supportive of each other, it is not a place to judge, nor is it a place to hate.

No Promotions or Spam

Give more than you take to this group. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren't allowed. If you do have a product or service you believe will benefit the Poppies, please seek permission.

Speak Up

If you are uncomfortable or concerned about a post or comment, please do not hesitate to report it. Protecting this community as a safe place for women going through divorce is our priority.

Who can see the group content?

Only group members can see content within each of the groups.


Still have a question, contact us now

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